The Mysterious Healing Power

Hidden in the Human Bones

from Universal Kabbalah Master Joseph Michael Levry


Dear friends and beloved forum members,


The regular practice of Harmonyum will produce vitality in the etheric body, making it extremely strong, and regulate the physical glands so that they secrete to the total rhythm of the individual psyche rather than from segments of the self. With balance in the glandular system, the emotions become constant and the mind becomes divine in its actual potential. Harmonyum leads you to a state of unity that is ecstasy while surrounding you with a protective shield. It helps us develop our inner faculty, brightens our energy, wipes out our karma, and increases our personal relatedness to the infinite identity.


     Harmonyum works on the body of glory, also known as the body of immortality or the body of light. We all carry this body of glory within us like a seed that waits to be awakened through our tender and judicious care. The body of glory is also referred to as the spirit of the bones. The bones are crucial to our structure and support as a human being. The healing and invisible spiritual force which penetrates, surrounds, and binds everything in the seen and unseen worlds is concentrated in our bones. That omni-present, omni-power, and omni-science force, permeates every man and woman and directs the flow of life. Not only is this potent vibratory energy buried in our bones called the body of light, but also, it has been found to have genuine therapeutic values. Advanced mystics from authentic spiritual groups refer to it as the body of resurrection mentioned in the new testament. There is no affliction or disease that cannot be cured when this spiritual force is properly used. Unknown to most, human bones are highly concentrated light of the Sun. And the quality of life-force concentrated in our bones is superior to that of the flesh and fluid, because of their enduring strength. That explains why, after one passes on, what remains through time are the bones.

     The secret behind immortality is the ability to maintain individual consciousness in the psychic body, the body of light, after the death of the physical body. Only a purified psychic body can survive indefinitely after the death of the physical body. Thus, great Masters such as Jesus are believed to be able to live consciously forever in their purified psychic body. This is the origin of the concept of resurrection from the dead as outlined in the New Testament.

     In essence, the body of glory is the temple or dwelling-place that we build for the Christ principle that lives within us. When we experience a highly elevated state of consciousness, we attract luminous particles that contribute to the formation and development of our body of glory. If we nourish it with our capacity to serve others, our prayers and purest intentions, our very life for a long time, one day it will begin to shine. This body of glory is immortal, composed of particles of pure light which live eternally; first changing the luminosity of our being and then assisting to bring greater light to the world.

     In the mystery schools of Lemuria, Atlantis, and Ancient Egypt, people with pristine power had complete knowledge of the body of light from the bones and its various applications. For example, in Egypt the protection of the tombs was linked to that aspect of Man. The body of light is connected to the Akashic records. In other words, all karmic influences are recorded in it. By accessing that body of light one is able to dissolve any blocks to the free flow of life-force in the whole body. As a result, disease, destructive habits, or bad luck simply disappears as if they never existed. That is exactly what Harmonyum does.

     In regard to healing, it is also important for us to realize that our human body is formed and made visible to our eyes by the combination of three corporeal principles made possible by the combination of three invisible, impalpable component elements. Each of these component elements is itself a ternary mixture, in a respective proportion of uneven numbers, weights, and measures, of the three basic principles of every temporal, material embodiment. A superior law determines the exact nature of the visible bodies of different forms of matter. Harmonyum works with this law in order to restore health. The regular practice of Harmonyum will produce vitality in the etheric body, making it extremely strong, and regulate the physical glands so that they secrete to the total rhythm of the individual psyche rather than from segments of the self. With balance in the glandular system, the emotions become constant and the mind becomes divine in its actual potential. Harmonyum leads you to a state of unity that is ecstasy while surrounding you with a protective shield. It helps us develop our inner faculty, brightens our energy, wipes out our karma, and increases our personal relatedness to the infinite identity. The Harmonyum Healing System activates the original seed and awakens the threefold soul, born of the threefold spirit, from the threefold body, into self-consciousness and self-knowledge. Harmonyum accomplishes this by working on the fire - the nerve of the soul - that lies deep within the core of your being. This fire is the spark of the Divine in your soul, the very quintessence of your being that originated from the source of all animate and inanimate life forms. Just as this fire has originated from the Divine, so too will it return to the Divine some time in the far future when you have reached the zenith of your evolutionary cycle.

     We must keep in mind that after the Fall from paradise, we rendered ourselves mortal and corruptible, because man has become a combination of two, opposing natures. As a being with a material body, he is corporeal and animal. As an intelligent being, man is the image and likeness of the divine. From the Being who is, was, and forever shall be, man has obtained a spiritual body and indestructible life. That spiritual body, having originated from the divine essence itself, participates in all the virtues and power of the Creator, albeit to an inferior, more simplistic degree than the infinity of the origin of said virtues and powers. In other words, having been born from the bosom of all powerfulness, perfection, and infinite intelligence, man too is powerful, perfect, and intelligent. Those who, through their own action as spiritual beings, work and act voluntarily in unity with the Creator and in accordance with the full extent of the faculties they have received can be called powerful, perfect, and intelligent. The spiritual being, then, remains perfect until such time that he ceases to act in unity with the Creator and in accordance with His laws, for at such time the spiritual being is in opposition with the unchanging laws which constitute it. He also ceases to be powerful, because impenetrable boundaries are erected to separate him from the helpful beings on which he could exercise his power. And finally, he ceases to be intelligent, because he is deprived of all divine, spiritual knowledge and protection. By severing our connection with the One, by disobeying His laws, we create trouble and expose ourselves to suffering, disease, and early death.

     Again, the principle of being and life is within us, and cannot perish. Harmonyum works directly on man as an intellectual, spiritual being that is a direct, immediate emanation from the divinity. It restores the same law, order, and regularity within our faculties that directs all beings in Nature. Therefore, it is the work of redirecting the life force. Understand that vindication of the will is the chief work of all fallen creatures. In order to move from the troubled condition of Fallen Man to another, healthier condition, the immortal principal within must expand and absorb the corruptible principle to the extent that the envelope of the senses is opened, and we appear in our pristine purity. This process of developing the inner faculty, or organ, which allows us to receive God is our life's work. When the process is complete, the metaphysical and incorruptible principle rules over the terrestrial. Man begins to live, not in accordance with the principle of self-love, but in accordance with the Spirit and with Truth. In so doing, he becomes a temple. Harmonyum eliminates the evil in man that originates in the will by creating the platform from which the regeneration of our virtues becomes possible. As a result we can ascend to become a demonstration of the Active and Invisible Principle from which the universe derives its existence and its Laws.

In Love, Peace and Light

The Rootlight Team



The Physician of the Soul

Harmonyum Training and Certification with Joseph Michael Levry


Level I & II Training Weekend: October 21st - October 23rd

Level III Training Weekend: December 2nd - December 4th


     Join us at the Universal Force Healing Center in New York City for a powerful three day Harmonyum training and certification weekend. Open the universal panacea by learning the highest methods of healing and diagnosis, understanding the intricate union of the physical and spiritual bodies, and gaining true insight into the root cause of all chronic conditions. Through purity of heart, practitioners of Harmonyum are able to assist in profound and permanent healing by reestablishing the harmonious flow of love in the body. This advanced training course will cover multiple levels of Harmonyum. During the weekend you'll have the opportunity to experience hands on instruction, practice sessions and group meditation.


Sample Itinerary:

4:00-8:00pm Harmonyum Instruction & Lecture
8:15-9:00pm Group Mantra Session

9:00-11:00am Harmonyum Practice Sessions
1:00-5:00pm Harmonyum Instruction & Lecture
6:30-8:30pm Harmonyum Practice Sessions

1:00-5:00pm Harmonyum Instruction & Lecture
6:30-8:30pm Practice Sessions
8:30-9:00pm Closing Mantra Meditation

For complete details and to register please call 917 606 1730.


If you desire to obtain our books and CDs please visit or click here to visit our online store. You can also call us call at 1 888 852 2100 (USA only) or 212 769 8115 (international).


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